Quickstart with the single-resonator solver#

Parameters initialization#

First, we need to import all the necessary libraries

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 120
import numpy as np
import sys,os
my_PyCore_dir = os.path.dirname('/Users/aleksandrtusnin/Documents/Projects/PyCORe/')
import PyCORe_main as pcm
from scipy.constants import c, hbar
%matplotlib widget

Then, we define the dispersion parameters:

  • Number of frequency modes used in the simulations

  • Array of comb indexes \(\mu\)

Num_of_modes = 2**9
mu = np.arange(-Num_of_modes/2,Num_of_modes/2)
  • Group velocity dispersion \(D_2 = -\beta_2 \frac{D_1^2 c}{n_g}\) [\(2\pi\)Hz], where \(D_1 = 2\pi FSR\)

D2 = 4.1e6*2*np.pi

that then defines the integrated dispersion profile \(D_\mathrm{int} = D_2 \frac{\mu^2}{2}\)

Dint = (mu**2*D2/2) 

Then, we create a dictionary with the physical parameters

PhysicalParameters = {'n0' : 1.9,
                      'n2' : 2.4e-19,### m^2/W
                      'FSR' : 181.7e9 ,
                      'w0' : 2*np.pi*192e12,
                      'width' : 1.5e-6,
                      'height' : 0.85e-6,
                      'kappa_0' : 50e6*2*np.pi,
                      'kappa_ex' : 50e6*2*np.pi,
                      'Dint' : Dint,
                      'Raman time' :  1e-15 #s

Further, we define the pump laser parameters, such as pump power, tuning range, and the scan time. We define the pump in the frequency domain within fftshift framework.

dNu_ini = -1e9 #Hz
dNu_end = 3e9 #Hz
nn = 2000
dOm = 2*np.pi*np.linspace(dNu_ini,dNu_end,nn)
scan_time = 1e-6 #s
P0 = 0.15### W
Pump = np.zeros(len(mu),dtype='complex')
Pump[0] = np.sqrt(P0)

Finally, we define the simulation parameters

simulation_parameters = {'slow_time' : scan_time,
                         'detuning_array' : dOm,
                         'noise_level' : 1e-9,
                         'output' : 'map',
                         'absolute_tolerance' : 1e-10,
                         'relative_tolerance' : 1e-6,
                         'max_internal_steps' : 2000}

Class initialization#

Now, we need to initialize the resonator class from the Physical parameters

single_ring = pcm.Resonator()


We are ready to run our simulations

    map2d = single_ring.Propagate_PseudoSpectralSAMCLIB(simulation_parameters, Pump,dt=0.5e-3)# only works if C libraries are installed
    map2d = single_ring.Propagate_SplitStep(simulation_parameters, Pump,dt=0.5e-3)# works with just Python
Normalized pump power $f_0^2$ = 33.0
Normalized detuning $\zeta_0$ = [-20.000000000000004,60.0]
f0^2 = 33.0
xi [-20.000000000000004,60.0]
J = 0.0
Progress: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete, elapsed time = 36.3 s

Data analysis#

Now the simulation results are storred in the array map2d that has the size [dOm.size \(\times\) mu.size ] and contains the amplitude and the phase of the optical field envelope. Number of photons, storred in the cavity, defined as


while number of modes for a comb line \(\mu\) is


Transmission trace#

Dynamcis of the number of modes as detuning function presented below

Num_of_photons = np.sum(np.abs((map2d[:,:])/(Num_of_modes))**2,axis=1)
fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,dpi=150)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.set_xlabel('Laser detuning (GHz)')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of photons')

Transmission trace through the resonator can be obtained via

\[S_\mathrm{out} = S_\mathrm{in} - \sqrt{\kappa_\mathrm{ex}}A,\]

where \(S_\mathrm{in}^2 = P_\mathrm{in}/\hbar\omega\) to \(\mu\)-th comb line and \(A =\) map2d[:,mu]/Num_of_modes.

Below we show the simulated transmission trace that should be visible on a photodetector

Sin = Pump/np.sqrt(hbar*PhysicalParameters['w0'])
Sout = np.zeros_like(map2d)
Sout = Sin - np.sqrt(single_ring.kappa_ex)*map2d/Num_of_modes
fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,dpi=150)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.set_xlabel('Laser detuning (GHz)')
ax.set_ylabel('Normalized transmission')

Optical spectrum#

A simulated OSA spectrum for a given detuning can be presented as

fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,dpi=150)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.set_xlabel('Mode index $\mu$')
ax.set_ylabel('OSA spectrum (dBm)')

Quick dynamics plot#

To quickly analyze the generated data, we implemeted an interactive function Plot_map that allows for investigation of the field with different detuings

pcm.Plot_Map(np.fft.ifft(map2d,axis=1),dOm/2/np.pi/1e9,xlabel='Detuning', units='GHz')