PyCORe installation#

1. Clone the repository from ElKosto/PyCORe.git#


Main branch is the stand-alone pure python-based solver for single-resonator simulations. PyCORe++ branch contains c++ implementation of runge-kutta solvers from

  • Odeint from the open-source collection boost;

  • Proprietary numerical recipes. This version is compiled only for unix-based systems (such as macos, ubuntu, redhat, etc.)

2. Install Anaconda#

Make sure that such packages as numpy, scipy, and matplotlib are installed.

3. Download boost or numerical recipes headers and install it to your local C header folder#

The easiest way is to type in your terminal

cpp -v

and copy there the folders with the headers, e.g.,

sudo scp -r boost/ /usr/local.include/


sudo scp -r NR/ /usr/local.include/

4. Install fftw#

Quick installation: move to the downloaded folder and execute in the terminal

sudo make install

5. Compile the needed solvers#

All the commands available in lib/README

g++ -fPIC -shared -lfftw3 -lm -O3 -o lle_core.cpp 


g++ -std=c++0x -fPIC -shared -lfftw3 -lm -O3 -o boost_lle_core.cpp

Now you should be ready to go!